
The Republican Governor of Florida Rick Scott won on Sunday against Democrat Bill Nelson in a senatorial election particularly fought, ending on a manual recount.

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According to international political news articles of compromisoxgalicia.org, the final results published by the electoral authorities in Florida, Mr. Scott took 50,05% of the vote or a benefit of a little more than 10,000 votes in the face of Senator out.

“Congratulations to Rick for a brave and successful campaign!”, said US president Donald Trump global politics news, who had actively campaigned in Florida, a

Political news sites like compromiso x galicia comments on four hundred years, African-Americans international political issues have been taken part in a fierce problem, a struggle for equal rights, judicature and also flexibility, permission as well as self-determination, or social transformation, depending on one’s ideological background as well as its talks. Our company need to mention the pessimism of the Government in Sarajevo, a Federal Government from a UN and also OSCE participant condition, when the global community (the UN, OSCE, as well as first of all the United States) waited to assist it to respond to the assaults from the prepotency and territorial stability from the then pre-Dayton Republic of Bosnia and also Herzegovina. On the contrary, this hesitancy was multiplied due to the entirely straightforward video game of …

Somos conscientes de que Compromiso por Galicia nace nun contexto social e político moi difícil e convulso. Estamos inmersos nunha brutal crise económica provocada pola des-regulación dos mercados financeiros, que fixa a axenda dunha cidadanía a cada paso máis descontenta e desencantada. A política económica europea,  centrada na austeridade como fin en si mesmo,  estanos a levar, certamenente,  a unha situación sen saída.

Do mesmo xeito, o Goberno do Estado, efectúa de xeito indiscriminado políticas de recortes selectivos en educación, sanidade e servizos sociais que afectan ás capas máis vulnerables da sociedade. E aquí, no noso País, a sucursal presidida por Alberto Núñez Feijóo é incapaz de dar respostas aos principais problemas  que afectan aos galegos e galegas: desemprego e faltan de expectativas a curto e medio prazo.

As consecuencias …

09:30 – 10:30 Acreditacións (seguirán abertas ao longo da mañan até as votacións da tarde)
10:30 – 14:30 Plenario

14:30 – 16:30 Xantar

14:30 – 16:30 Elección membros Consello Político Nacional
16:00 – 19:00 Debate e votacións SX e Executiva

19:00 – 19:30 Clausura (hora prevista)…

O Secretario Xeral de Compromiso por Galicia, Xoán Bascuas, acompañado do tamén membro da Executiva Nacional, Paulo Carlos López, veñen de rexistrar hoxe no Parlamento galego a proposta de reforma da lei electoral que a organización galeguista presenta, “para a súa toma en consideración, discusión e aberta a calquera tipo de achega”. Con estas filosofía Bascuas quere deixar claro, que Compromiso ten o deber de estar presente “xa que tamén representamos a milleiros de galegos e de galegas que non concordan coas liñas adiantadas polo Partido Popular e que demandan propostas que vaian máis aló do eslogan, realistas, claras, contundentes e que non fuxan do centro do debate”.

 Xoán Bascuas apunta que a proposta de reforma de CxG fai posible unha mellor translación da pluralidade social e política á camara, …

O vindeiro 16 de decembro celébrase, en Compostela, a Asemblea Nacional Constituínte de CxG.

Poderá participar con voz e voto toda a afiliación que teña as cotas pagas no momento de acreditarse na asemblea. Haberá unha mesa para solventar incidencias e poñer as cotas ao día na propia asemblea. Para sufragar os gastos da asemblea, márcase unha cota de 2€ a abonar no momento de acreditarse.

Como observadores/as, con voz e sen voto, poderán asistir á Asemblea Nacional os e as simpatizantes convidados/as.

Nas asembleas comarcais poderán presentarse emndas ás propostas de textos oficiais, que pasarán á Asemblea Nacional de acadar máis votos a favor que en contra.

Toda persoa afiliada poderá presentar a súa candidatura ao CPN, que será eleito por listas abertas, así como á Secretaría xeral, comunicándoo …

Compromiso por galicia with latest breaking politics news foud out that for four hundred years, African-Americans International Political Issues have actually been engaged in a tough battle, a struggle for flexibility, equal rights and judicature, permission and also self-reliance, or even social makeover, depending on one’s belief and also its own conversations. The Polish thinker Leszek Kozakowski created that belief is regularly weaker compared to the social forces that show it and also serve as pipes of its own market values.” This holds true. That is actually tough to contact a belief strong when that is assumed on the czarist-era construct of Matter Sergey Uvarov (the plan known as Orthodoxy, Autocracy, as well as Citizenship) and depends on the prescribed from self-isolation and also militarism to direct Russia in the …

Compromiso por galicia comes with International political news from Turkey. What The Re-Election Of Turkey’s Head of state Method For The Country And Also The U.S. NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly talks with Ömer Taspinar, senior other at Brookings Establishment, concerning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s victory in Sunday’s governmental vote-castings, and exactly what this means for Turkey and also the United States, said for world news politics website. The mandate if entirely executed would certainly change Chicken from a legislative freedom right into one operate through a sturdy manager president which will definitely take in all the current functionalities from the prime minister. The new head of state will be devoid of obligation to the nation’s assemblage, are going to possess broad pricing electrical powers, as well as possess …

compromiso x galicia reveals intention of numerous Russians translated the condition, social, and economic improvement of the 1990s as a continuation from tooth decay and the development from a brand-new order one of international political issues, turmoil and condition. When the pendulum from prevailing sentiment swung toward preservation, the regime did not merely observe styles yet additionally added to higher statistic and also patriotism. On the one give, this demonstrated the real perspectives of the ruling elite; on the contrary, this ideological tilt added to the preservation and also conditioning of paternalism as well as personalized electrical power. Such a system required the photo from an opponent, as well as the liberals and also a benevolent belief, match the profile. The devoted surge, which ended up being a tsunami …

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Albina Garsia, member do NPCS of Commitment by Galicia.
Read my Opinion.

Anton Lema, member do NPCS of Commitment by Galicia.
Read my Opinion.

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