
Opinion by Albina Garsia

Still, that the Law of Linguistic Normalization oj 1983 establishes the right gives citizenship to be attended to in galego na its relation to coa Management Xustiza, and despite the fact that arredor do 80% two xuíces are of origin of galega, or use da nosa lingua in cars and sentenzas only is xeneralizado nuns few prison do Country. With this situation non of us should be no surprise that the basis constant as allegations of incumprimento by oj Ruled state gives Carte European das Linguas Regionais ou Minority (CELRM), agreed signed xa in novembro oj 1992 poles States that are members oj Council of Europe for the protection and promotion das linguas Europe that lack the character of oficialidade and/or that atopan in manifesta debilidade, text that was ratified, not 2001 polo Council of Ministers Spanish. Or article 9 of this charter establishes something very important, xa is recoñece or the right of two citizens to esixir o procedemento ” in galician. But all of you are aware that this is incumpre a daily basis and it infringes this right of two citizens sen or less hesitation on the part of some maxistrados.
In successive forums análise da European Charter for das Linguas Rexionais ou Minority as conclusións taken pole experts is that the Government of Spain should corrixir as large eivas that are given non-compliance given Letter, the only mechanism with a binding character that aims to protect the linguistic wealth of Europe, xa is constatou not referred to Administration of Xustiza is very evident to non warranty do the development of the two processes xudiciais na nosa lingua own and in violation of all the rights language of those citizens who are dirixen at galego Court.

A significant fact about this low presence of da lingua galega é or pulled dun report do earlier Ruled galicia, Reflexións on to xustiza, march 2009, where it was established that of preto 10,000 sentenzas that ditaron not 2008, only 150 were in galician, and for iso that we can so to speak that this space or galego semella ser máis ben unha lingua estranxeira, and not to own do in our Country. The situation would aggravate when we decatamos that decision dun cidadán ou dun member da Management facer use do galego implies sempre to occurrence of a delay das causes -as the reason given imposition of tradutores e intérpretes on the part of at certain xuíces ou ben waiting for several days which suppose to request that certain formalities are to leven out in galician – ou a dobre esforzo non-compliance do seu traballo by do official-pola work of translation from the lexislación, documentation, and forms that have to take persoalmente-.

Do Non we are pois with a clear desigualdade do galego with respect to ap Spanish? Is evident that these citizens are being discriminated against na application dos seus rights language as galegofalantes and also that it is not fai absolutely nothing to corrixir as difficulties coas that many xuíces is atopan plain polo feito of wanting to develop her work in galician.

What is missing in Galiza media to promote or use do galego na xustiza? Evidently there is a shortage of infrastructures xa for a correct development of the das its tarefas en galego os public servants in this field da xustiza need of cun computer system nesta lingua, and as reported many xuíces we are the only comunidade bilingual Spanish that do not have a computer system na súa lingua own, feito this that directly affects us rights language two citizens xa to a lack of means causes or officer only may perform in galician as resolutions estritamente personal. A solution would be moi sinxela: pay for a translation do computer system employed to keep in contact years prison do Country that currently is only in Spanish, mais aínda that is ben simple, or missing é a vontade undertake this measure, that would imply a breakthrough not use standardized da nosa lingua na totalidade paperwork xudiciais.

As that is not our Country so dispoñemos a office of linguistic normalization for each Provincial court and the other not Tribunal Superior de Xustiza, Catalonia conta cun corpo-specific technical language distributed all over its territory which have as a mission to train and advise non-use of Catalan osa officials gives Management Xustiza to axilizar to work these to time that the guarantor or the right do cidadán to be properly cared for na súa lingua.

But in Galiza non se fai any kind of esforzo from the Administration to provide aos nosos prison two technical means accurate that would result in a standardized use da nosa lingua, and those organs xurisdicionais who decide or emprego do galego nas its tarefas should enfrontarse coa totalidade das their tools of work (normative texts of everyday use such as or Penal Code, or Statute two Workers ou a Lei of xurisdición contentious and administrative databases) entirely in Spanish or lime involves the realization of a double-tarefa, as well as an absolute lack of rigor xa to interpretation dun regulatory text have to be authentic and feitas by an expert. Isto despite the fact that the Spanish State is committed, through ratification gives CELRM, to translate all to lexislación existing.

By outro side, hai noted or done that as Faculties of the Right do Country taught virtually totalidade das their classrooms in Spanish, and we are exemplos normalizers as school practices xurídicas. Not specific case da Facultade de Dereito of Santiago de Compostela to sorrows that o artigo 3 two statutes gives USC recoñece that ?lingua galega é a lingua own and official da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela? a study conducted in novembro do 2011 revelábanos that do not school year 2009-2010 only 18 two 143 groups of teaching mandatory da nosa facultade were taught in galician. A main consequence disto é o descoñecemento that many graduates and graduates have of that lingua galega ten unha tradition uses legal xa from the Old Media or that we cam to consolidation of certain inertia profesionais encamiñadas to ritualizar and sacralize or use do Spanish no scope da xustiza. So desgrazadamente is normal in a situation that many attorneys ou attorneys enter ao xulgado falando galician-given that lingua na desenvolven as his activities everyday – mais ao dress toga converxen to become the lingua do estado by crenza that they enjoy dun maior prestixio and profesionalidade before or Court.
Finally a reason also very important to this disuse da nosa lingua na Xustiza also is due to the dependence of the state (xerárquica and centralized) this as to be Able to do estado e o noso Tribunal Superior de Xustiza non é once a shining example of an institution committed coa defense oj language. Unha own Administration, consolidated nun authentic autogoberno of Galiza would be a verdadeiro development do language know communication cos we, individuals, different sectors, economic, political, cultural and xudiciais that make up this Country.
After describing briefly this bad situation da lingua galega no area gives Administration of Xustiza non could failing to pass on the occasion of recoller also various initiatives encamiñadas to change this picture, as is the case of:

OFFICERS ASSOCIATION FOR LANGUAGE NORMALISATION, Which aims to develop in the actions and initiatives to normalize lingua galega in all os uses legal. Acadouse a remembered that suppose to unification of criteria at the time of estender o uso da lingua galega no procedemento xudicial.

DECLARATION OF FOZ in defense oj the use oj galego us scope xudiciais. Foi in April do 2009 when a group of professionals with the da Administration of Xustiza (xuíces, compliance, avogados?) subscribiron na Mariña lucense this statement to please do use do galego us prison and courts. This commitment would be to boost or galego written in documents and resolutions ou take initiative falando en galego cos citizens who demand services gives Management xudicial.

BROTHERHOOD of the juridical consequences GALEGA: xuño do 2008 took place not benedictine monastery of Celanova to its constitution. Brings together the personal do world xudicial to other profesionais do the Right and aims to create a frame of reference for all those that like polo use do galego is not the intention legal and non-dyed apoio. To Brotherhood celebrou xa recently its V Bloc during cal or ?irmandiño maior? and the top fiscal, Carlos Varela, reclamou standards do galego us prison. In particular reclamou unha maior involvement on the part of the Meeting of Galiciza

COLEXIO DE AVOGADOS DE COMPOSTELA: This Colexio professional conta cun interesting project whose name ? Forms procesuais in lingua galega? that offers a translation of two writings máis habituais da practice gives avogacía co to boost its use cotiá. Tamén é remarkable or project ?As leis in galician? that is a web page where recompiled texts legais do not in our language, as well as regulations as linguas ou resolutions xurisprudencias this area. This association also conta cun service language itself
As galegos maybe defend os principais precepts legais covering os nosos the rights of linguistic, isto é o recoñecemento gives oficialidade do galego (art. 3.2 gives the Constitution of 1978 and art. 5.3 do Statute of Autonomy of Galiza), a direct consequence of this recoñecemento gives oficialidade do galego have to be our promotion of use of this lingua na interlocutor daily two public powers but to carry this out and clear that we also must have no day-to-day professional cos media and services adequate to meet this demand.