

There are 30 Fundamentals Commitments in our Program:

Commitment 1. We will remove as deputacións aforrando ata 600 millóns de euros ao ano.

Commitment 2. We will establish dedicated for os profesionais da health public.

Commitment 3. We will be incorporating a de novo economic model: more knowledge and less cement.

Commitment 4. Finanzaremos cun minimum of 6,000€ more companies da mocidade entrepreneurial.

Commitment 5. We will take back or purchasing power two workers and traballadoras public.

Commitment 6. We will resolve immediately or pay two records paralyzed da Lei Dependency.

Commitment 7. We will provide credit to Autonomous and SMCS through do Instituto Galego de Credit Public.

Commitment 8. We will be incorporating or working late hours for care years, citizens nas administrations public.

Commitment 9. We will create a Universidade Aberta de Galicia.

Commitment 10. Desenvolveremos a plan of shock for as industrias culturais galician.

Commitment 11. Os text books text will be free and we will promote you educational resources dixitais.

Commitment 12. We will promote the production of local foods for quality and sustainable.

Commitment 13. Create or comprehensive plan galego against violence of gender.

Commitment: 14. We will push for a new language policy for mocidade, os media e as companies.

Commitment 15. We will build a Network of basic bike lanes nas urban areas, and in his turn left the roundabout during.

Commitment 16. We will promote intermodalidade e or combo ticket for non-public transport.

Commitment 17. Desenvolveremos orzamentos participatory and transparent for citizenship.

Commitment 18. We will reduce it to peaxe gives AP9 and give other autoestradas.

Commitment 19. We will push for public media, professional e imparciais.

Commitment 20. We will present in the actions xudiciais to return das indemnizacións fortunes of two ex-managers das caixas.

Commitment 21. Become the fundación Galicia-Europa not in direct contact da Xunta de Galicia coa European Union.

Commitment 22. We will remove or copayment two medications and encourage you xenéricos e monodose.

Commitment 23. Obrigaremos to you all public posts to be published annually or seu heritage.

Commitment 24. We will extend os permissions maternidade to 5 months.

Commitment 25. We will promote transformation and marketing dos produtos pesqueiros e marisqueiros.

Commitment 26. We will release a plan for the valorisation of forest to avoid os lumes.

Commitment 27. Desenvolveremos or Plan to take part for or fomento do emprego e self-employment for the women.

Commitment 28. Will restore as promotion policies do idioma galego and we will launch measures apoio ao libro galego e-building read.

Commitment 29. We will approve a plan to reorder or airport system galego specializing each aeroporto second súa capacidade e potencialidade.

Commitment 30. We will encourage non-port system, galego, a hub of international goods.