
About Us

compromisoxgalicia.org is born in a context not that the organizations existing international political news, nin dende as institutions of nin from the opposition, are able to give the answer to more needs sociais e as inquedanzas policies given citizenship. Parties estatais demonstrated its low capacidade e available to defend you interests galegos.

Or Popular Party is in full drift centralist and dereitista, as they that or PSdG/PSOE mostrouse unable to artellar a project self-contained, Galicia. Both os dous parties are fondamente involved na dexeneración do Spanish political system and not impulse dun socio-economic model founded na speculation financeira e real estate e mais no endebedamento and massive or diñeiro easy, revelou as an immense fraud. Lately, both or a comma or outro veñen defendendo departures disastrous á crise, leading to a continuous deterioration given the economy and contrary to osa interests das maiorías sociais.

By another band, a part das forzas nationalist is severely hampered by a political culture inmobilista, handled in a vision da sociedade deeply desaxeitada and contaminated poles vices that corrode os major parties estatais (such as bureaucratization and professionalization two politicians and da policy). Thus, non foi quen of focus os seus objectives not pulo da construction national e das-friendly policies, unto the rest of the do country, apoiándose na súa presence of institutional and on their management of government. As a result, or the electorate galego non considerou as alternative nationalist as opcións reais of power, especially of face to the Xunta de Galicia. Or PSdG/PSOE and BNG hasn’t encountered serious difficulties to present a solid alternative to govern our country, for lack dun proxecto estratéxico, individual ou share, for the autonomy of Galicia, except not precisely period do government of coalition Government (and isto with fortes strengths and obstacles within each of the two parties).

Or nationalism galego must overcome frames ideolóxicos, análises da realidade, formulas, organizational, discourses and modes of action obsolete, an experienced ata to saciedade nas past decades and proven to be useless. Our country accurate a forza sovereign political, non dependente of instances alleas, that to assume as tarefa priority to building national of Galicia in key uniquely democratic and progressive. Unha forza galeguista and transformative, capable of giving dende a esquerda respostas effective ore needs do noso pobo, solucións unto the height of two very serious challenges actuais, proposals that create a horizon of a promising future and that we axuden to saír do marasmus is mergullado our country.

Gives consciousness desa urxente necessity is born a Commitment by Galicia, a political organization that is declared as galeguista, progressive and social democratic, plural, committed coa xustiza e a igualdade, which is marked as objectives of the main defense two collective interests of Galicia, da súa identidade e dos seus rights, as well as transformation da sua realidade economic, social and cultural, to achieve the development of the integral do noso pobo.

– Galeguista ou, or that é o mesmo, nationalist civic, because sostemos that Galicia is a nation cunha identidade, a culture and a language of seu, but also in cuns economic interests and political specific. A primary reason for Engagement by Galicia and defend you interests do country no seu conxunto, working to transform sua realidade nas its different facets, co in order to achieve as maiores dimensions of igualdade, liberdade e prosperidade for their citizenship, valuing e promovendo os seus principais sinais de identidade: our language and our culture nas its rich and original, manifestacións cultured and popular –both traditional eat contemporary, or our territory espoliado, or our environment and as our paisaxes brutally assaulted, our desleixado artistic heritage-the monuments, to the memory of our history and the promotion of forms of expression diferenciais that constrúan to nosa identidade present and future, in a permanent dialogue co noso tempo sabendo conxugar tradition and vangarda.

Commitment to Galicia melts as its roots ideolóxicas e culturais not galeguismo democratic and universalistic than in the course of the IIª Republic impulsou to autonomy, defendeu or country, cun regueiro of martyrs, fronte ao fascism, and resistiu against a ditadura franco mantendo vivo o facho da nosa culture, not inside a coma not to exile and emigration. Also we consider below do nationalism that pulou since the political transition pola conquest das liberdades e expansion gives democracy, pola defense two interests of the people, by the claim do language and culture galician, pola self-organization do noso pobo and polo autogoberno of our nation.

Or galeguismo historical esforzouse from os seus outset, placed á altura do seu tempo, leaving no primeiro posto in defense do noso pobo and to prol da salvagarda das liberdades and the diffusion of culture. To ampla e fonda-inspired progressive moveu os nosos precursors –from Rosalía de Castro and Manuel Murguía ata Castelao, from Curros Enríquez Alexandre Bóveda, Alfredo Brañas Ramón Otero Pedrayo, and from these to Ramón Piñeiro, Luis Seoane, Francisco Fernández del Riego ou Avelino Pousa Antelo–, to respond from Galicia and in galician osa challenges do seu tempo é substantially the same that we move to us today, cun are interested in special pola update dun pensamento e a counter-cultural galegos, sen esquecermos or process of construction of a identidade own, respond more inquedanzas das novas generations that xa define Galicia from renewed perspectives and chords co-changing world of today.

Commitment to Galicia porá or seu effort in which o sentimento de pertenza a country differentiated, to a nation, than freely assumed by unha ampla most of our sociedade, ao tempo that you accept as one’s own to ricaz pluralidade desta, sen pretend to run as the owner of ou custody dunhas alleged esencias patrias. We are aware of that for sermos nation feita e dereita required in order or recoñecemento and membership of voluntary ao process of construction national da rest of da citizenship, and that iso implies pola nosa band or nationalism accepted as a richness in diversity irredutible dun corpo social heteroxéneo e complexo. We consider it as a challenge own transform or obvious feeling of galeguidade, or galeguismo diffuse arraizado na citizenship, in galeguismo political and operating, isto é, in the nationalism civic.

Commitment to Galicia considers the defence and promotion da cultura e da lingua galega, a loita pola súa complete normalization from a perspective aberta, cohabitation and inclusive, as uns dos seus principais challenges, and more sobranceiros sinais de identidade, do the same so that culture and or own language, or are pobo galego.

In this sense, and keeping to historical tradition do Partido Galeguista, Commitment to Galicia, will seek to being immersed not relationship cos countries gives Lusofonía, with whom we share as linguistic roots and cultural. Mais non, or fará only at the rhetorical level. We hope that this relationship serves also to aprofundar na xeración of wealth and increasing do wellbeing gives citizenship galega. For iso promote of a serious and systematic os economic exchanges, both through do trade in products of material consumption, such as dun relationship cultural let’s enjoy da counter-cultural Portuguese, brazilian and two african countries. Mais, we want these countries also on the basis of da receptor nosa counter-cultural, poker music, poker literature, poker theatre ou calquera outro type, xerando economic benefits for our country. Nese sense we see it as essential to start dun so decided to promotion do ensino da lingua portuguesa no ensino primary and secondary and to receive two channels Portuguese primeiros steps nese way.

– Social democratic and progressive, committed coa xustiza e a igualdade, because Commitment to Galicia becomes part of, and successor to the das therapeutic with orixes e inspiracións various favoreceron or economic progress in Europe and not world to a high degree of igualdade and social inclusion, in full harmony with coa liberdade individual and collective, and cos advances democratic and of social emancipation and of gender. Therapeutic ranging from socialism integrator does not sense da xustiza social ao progressive liberalism does not make sense das liberdades e os rights to personal, and abranxen or humanism e os movementos of national liberation, or unionism, or feminism, or ecoloxismo, as mobilizacións against racial discrimination, poles, rights of civís, please give minorities and to prol da igualdade.

We defend a model of economic and social not who or conxunto da sociedade, in full liberdade e sen exclusións, on grounds of the existence of access in conditions of igualdade to uns services basic, universais, and public of the quality and it corresponsabilizarse gives its management through a system of participation of networks citizens na public administration. In addition, we advocate a igualdade entre os xéneros, sustentabilidade ecolóxica, or pacifism, solidariedade international and the rights of human and dos pobos.

Crisis in living boa-part two european parties definition a social democrat and progressive is appropriate to do abandonment two that foran eixos fundamentais da súa political action, such as the necessity of regulation two markets (in particular, two financial) by two public authorities, or social value, and redistributive das policy compliance progressive ou or stabilizing role two orzamentos. Required in order therefore to recover principles essential do hair european social model, which, more which being obsolete, foron esquecidos nas last decades. Required in order escoitar, analyze, and discuss in order to, subsequently, offer as proposals encamiñadas to seek best for our Country and or ben common two that nel we live, veñan of onde viñeren, sen deixarnos atrapallar by preconceptions.

Mais tamén, we are aware that as formulacións democrats classic must be appropriately updated in several vertentes. In the first place, we must ter conta as reasons of economic e sociais na actualidade are soon gives that characterized or post-war period no século XX. As a mover na structure produtiva deron rise to new groups sociais e profesionais that rachan coas fine dichotomies and require respostas acaídas from the political point of view.

Required in order to update as the functions of classic two public authorities, economic stabilization, redistribution da renda e to provision two services of the public, incorporating os novos challenges enerxéticos and medioambientais. Or aforro energetic and the promotion of enerxías limpas are na actualidade challenges estratéxico. But, besides, I challenges and opportunities do change tecnolóxico e as its applications require respostas para o conxunto das societies, capable of changing as conditions of the social, laborais e the environmental to prol da most.

In the second place, international political news each day it is more evident the necessity of poñer limits ao crecemento economic dende unha perspective sustentabilidade environmental and social. As policies to support humanistic values and democratic have to the visitor must of poñer or focus of attention we effects of a global economy baseada nun crecemento sen limits on a world that if you have limits. E facelo looking at non only osa problems esgotamento and destroying two resources from the katoomba group, but also years problems partner and morais derived da mesma: inequalities sociais, imbalances in north-south relocation, dehumanization das contractual laborais, extermination of pobos, wars…

Required in order also from the public sphere and from the sphere of influence of two political parties, encouraging initiatives, citizens and policies of commitment to projects of social economy promovan models of alternative economy e do ben common: education, environmental, trade fair, banking solidarity, cooperative business and consumers, relocation, agriculture ecolóxica, or any other that is east á prevention do impairment do planet, to decrease da stuck ecolóxica das in the actions of human and to get companies more human, solidarity-based, xustas and happy.

For compromiso x galicia, social democrats and progressives paid and seguen to pay to bureaucratization das its structures as well as organizational or hermeticism das those diante da sociedade. By iso is necessary to open as estruturas favour unto citizenship, change and innovate nas maneiras participate nas decisións das organisation policies and wager on final pola rexeneración democratic na-political practice and institutional. Nun context of profundísimas mutacións of all kinds that we apuxan to a scenario radically unprecedented, in a moment of crise and desconcerto xeral caused by the obsolescence two hairs paradigms ideolóxicos and to overcome two political schemes tradicionais, we admit that non temos respostas definitive nin we can promise receitas máxicas. We are aware, iso if, that nin or return to formulas do past nin to reaffirmation of antigas certainties constitúen departures acaídas. Comprometémonos, pois, to seek new proposals, to height two huge challenges do noso tempo. We have a conviction that as proposals for achegarnos aos nosos ideais only can saír do contrast of ideas, do dialog show respect and alberto, a síntese among the different therapeutic progressive and coa contribute anything of novas visións, driving unprecedented experiences and in constant dialectic coa realidade social world in which we are mergullados.

Xa logo, propoñémonos assume or value of our own diversity to convertela in fonte energy renewing. Iso esixe maintain, both within na nosa organization as a face-to-fóra, a spirit purged of preconceptions, decote disposto unto the partnership and to the inquiry, in a environment of free discussion and cooperative, refugando or dogmatism, rexeitando or doutrinarismo e ao mesmo tempo while avoiding falling nun ideoloxismo sterilant.

To saúde democratic dun country also depends on da capacidade of participation and mobilization da sua sociedade; by iso are required in order for a dialogue flowing among the organizations policies and the parties and movementos sociais. É for iso Commitment for Galicia would become a laboratory of ideas, proposals and experiences useful for the present and for or future, always thinking of us interests gives the rest. Before unha sociedade fragmented, showing a e on decomposition, in which ndividuals are atopan illados and sometimes desprotexidos, traballaremos pola emerxencia of suxeitos individual and collective dende to consciousness and to vontade loiten for overcoming polarization current by an event policy on transforming and radically democratic, to institutionalize unha nova sociedade baseada no respect two rights fundamentais.

É for iso we see a quiet revolution, founded on proposals, initiatives and experiences construtivas, able to awaken climbing the social maioritarios and directed the face of an effective transformation gradual and progressive das conditions económicas, sociais e culturais do noso pobo, do conxunto do Spanish State, Europe e da humanidade. Xa logo, Commitment to Galicia proclámase as a forza with a true commitment to the transformative, pois temos a certainty that both Galicia current or system of political, economic, and social vixentes esixen deep reforms to avanzarmos the face of a society more democratic, more xusta, more cultured, and more prosperous. But those reforms only may be done by o apoio de amplos sectors sociais e with peaceful means and democratic, through proposals policies dirixidas unto the rest.

Commitment to Galicia credited na confrontation free two projects as a way to converterse na forza reference policy for sociedade galega. Xa logo, have as the purpose of the inalienable achieve o apoio da rest of the social do convencemento a citizenship mature and plural. Coa nosa practice policy and with our proposals we will try to get to ampla franxa galeguista and progressive gives citizenship galega consider our party as an ideal instrument to achieve objectives collectively shared.

Os objectives political political political commitment by Galicia enmárcanse in five major eixos:

– The defence and extension do state of wellbeing, das consistentesistas calculais and two deritos laborais that characterized as informed democratic, the most advanced do planet. Or state must be created as conditions for or wellbeing, founded on a strong social cohesion and na igualdade real opportunities for all citizens and cidadás. Os piares do estado do benestar are an educational system, a health and uns services calculais basic, public and charge unto the Administration of universal coverage, isto é, ao reach of all and all. Or state to reverse or ideological framework for economic development that is dynamic, balanced, and equitable, ao that you can collaborate and that can benefit or conxunto da citizenship.

– Promotion do ben common and gives an individual initiative. The development of economic e a conseguinte recorderación of wealth are condicióeng indispensable to sustain or do a state of reverse. Prop oblemoramos a model based na initiative, not knowledge e na creatividade, not that economy is ao Service gives you rest and do progress comprehensive das of individuals, and not exclusively das elites privilexiadas.

Or economic model and social that we will be valorised private initiative and creativity and will promote you for innovative business projects, aimed at producing wealth and at the same time responsible and respectuos CoS rights laborais, or territory and the environment. We must save all these people with innovative projects and to create as a condition Neng to potentially important developers in this country. Required in order sermos accomplices of this type of initiatives to acadarmos so unha sociedade civil e un fabric produtivo more dynamic, máis forte and more responsible to us eidos, social and environmental.

The set gives citizenship. Nese on the safe side, we place now are for necessary pola reversal do control public direct two big monopolies outrora privatized, as I referred to ao sector energetic e outros.

– Affirmation and robustecemento do autogoberno of Galicia, co increase da capacidade decision gives citizenship galega e o reforzamento das its institucióeng autonomous, as well as coa Approximate á has two political bodies that tomas decisóteng e as institucióeng that as executan. Both a promotion of two interests general pobo galego coma and involvement or control democratic will be more and better guaranteed with institutions of their own that serve as a canle to the development of the full gives personality and give potential do in our country.

To be able to cumprir os objectives that the Commitment by Galicia seeks to achieve benefit give our xentes e da nosa terra, we need to achieve as maiores dimensions of autogoberno for our country. To claim two higher levels of political powers, fiscal, economic and financial, in short of more autogobero, take not convencemento that this is sínónimo more richness and interest to os cidadáeng and cidadás. We understand national sovereignty as or our obxectivoestratéxico, maisumindo that or our the purpose of the immediate é pular pola identity creation and extend to social base that are defined as galeguista.

– To rexeneración democratic, founded never culture civil more mature and responsabile e unha maior esixencia ethics do not disassemble two public posts, and that implies proximidade, Transparency and control cidadán das institucióeng. A Corruption, or patronage, or favouritism, besides being radically inxustos, harmful serialmente or exercate gives democracy and constitute serious obstacles to the development of the economic e igualdade social.

As forza policy nova and permeable demands of the da citizenship, Commitment to Galicia undertakes firmly coa rexeneración democratic and co momentum á participation citizens ‘ na public life and na activity policy, assumed as the basic principles to accountability, to transparency and to esixencia ethics do not disassemble public office, a regime bizarre incompatibilities, and the elimination of privilexios for these charges, limitation of mandates both us parties eat nas institucióneng, in lists of open and a celebration of eleccións primary for the proclamation of candidates µs mayors and the Chair of the Meeting, open unto the participation of union members and ” sympathizers and gives the population in general. We also obx atestig medium-prazo implement a standard of Transparency International na as measures of transparency and esixencia ethics is to be transferred and applied ao conxunto two public authorities.

To the political culture that prop obligationnamnos fundarase not republicanism: respect polas leis, contrariotitude ethics, responsabilidade individual, prioridade two collective interests, spirit of collaboration, actitude constructive and vontade participatory.

– Or reformism. To extension do state invite, or autogobernno, and to rexeneración democratic are piares all éles that they look to necesitade a reform vision that cómpreproutación in positive and coa courage properly. A day of today there are two visións differentiated or functioning of the given public administration: on the one hand, there are theories ultraliberais and neo-conservative, represented and defended polo Popular Party, which manipulates as shortcomings in organizational and management das government agencies, public and chibo atoning for all men. Porén, it takes no measure to corrixir isto, but or used as an excuse and alibi for xustificar diante da citizenship privatization of services, basic public for entregárllelos companies afíns; on the other band, are of os games esquerda more orthodox, who work under a premise that any criticism á pouca efficiency, bad management ou control failure na public administration is an attack orchestrated from the os powers that be da dereita to end cos services to the public.

Commitment to Galicia preséntase diante da sociedade as unha forza renewing and transforming, which advocate radical and sincerely I services of the public, and by iso, because you really matter to us, desexamos preserve a súa natureza public, but sen to waive a melloralos. We are aware das eivas existing to-day in the na structure, organization and management of two public resources, by the iso in the same propoñemos defining processes in the form of periodic audits that enable us to equip ourselves with dunhas administrations efficient and áxiles, able to adaptárense years changes in this society so dynamic, that poñan ao service das of individuals, and that deixe being, as ocorre in many cases, ferramentas immobilists and enferruxadas that xa does not cater á súa finalidade principal, which is to serve the people.

In short, Commitment to Galicia defends to apply as reforms accurate that allow reversing as administrative to all I levels coobjetivo to maximize os resources, and to challenge those services essential for or been reversed, as are health and public education and of quality assurance, as well as to facilidade access to a decent housing.

The model of crecemento economic sustentou or capitalism financeiro western us in recent decades this a crise systemic that do not have a recovery as possible. Though do climb two countries emerxentes as China, once this model serve, xa as its bases sostéñense in keep uns baixos levels of life das poboacións local, even in conditions of over-exploitation given its population, nun consumerism predator two countries occidentais, a systematic accumulation of raw materials in poucas mans (a de novo colonialism) and even of resources essential for survival do planet. In short, nin model speculative financeiro west, nin “developmentalism” predatory and inhumane eastern. These two models initiated or world ao pé do cliff.

Commitment enmárcase in current policy das organizations that participate na the necessity of founding a new order of global economic, baseada nos the following criteria:

– Protection and public intervention to us goods and services essential for the comunidade. To water, or air, os recursos naturais do subsolo e da biosphere, opoñéndonos unto the possibility of patenting in genetics and composition dos recursos naturais, that should be heritage da humanidade. All these bens should be protexidos and postos to provision of a social economy that I protexa da predation. So are guarantor to sua sustentabilidade and social benefit. Non there will be sustainable economy sen public intervention.

– Apoio decided to policies and economic models that dean prioridade unto seeks to do ben common on os private benefits and that poñan freo ou mesmo revertan or process of deterioration do planet: momentum measures fronte ao climate change, bet on promotion policies das enerxías limpas e, efficiency, energetic, protection policies do natural environment xeradoras a nova cultura do territory, promotion of effective use and consumption of goods, policies, compliance reward as economic activities sostibles, promotion of education in values of cooperation, solidariedade and citizenship.

– Confidence na private initiative to address os novos challenges activity economic. To sociedade no seu conxunto and individuals in particular must be recovered or seu protagonismo na activity economic. That should be a slogan, reapoderamento da sociedade civil, as opposed as corporacións financeiras. Or supporting more individuals, entrepreneurs, more small and medium-sized enterprises, aos nosos produtores e exportadores, in definitive or apoio ao máis next to be able to participate in a globalized economy.

– Intervention us markets financial internacionais establishing controis and taxa more transaccións financeiras, not only with fins recadatorios, non also as a deterrent, to prevent speculation, massive and to embezzlement and predation two aforros e investimentos produtivos. Addressing a vigorous policy of persecution of tax evasion, ending coa existence two chamados havens compliance.

– Reversal do empobrecemento of amplas layers gives be the benefit of a minority. Bet on unha sociedade de ben common and more egalitarian, revertendo to increasing trend of the ao deal each time more unbalanced das payment between elite privilexiada e o conxunto da sociedade.

– Try dun de novo model for reasons of economic internacionais. We past several decades as organizations internacionais of commerce, were concerned in facilitating and reducing as barreiras negotiations between I countries, to achieve the most activity commercial, impondo formulas that xeneralizaron os oligopolies and to deturpación activity of economic exchange. Required in order a virada 180 graos. These organizations should strengthen quality assurance in indulge in trade, I deal in pe de igualdade, its insurance as e o apoio e impulse two countries and economies, the most febles. Should be pursued I incumprimentos flagrant two rights human eido das contractual laborais in all countries that are part of a Global Organization co Trade. Sen xustiza e solidariedade international non haberá paz entre os pobos and not planet.

Face-to-un-Status confederation and the plurinational

We demand the recoñecemento the right of the pobo galego decide libremente the relationship that you want to have co Estado español, en any case, non can be unha relación de subordinación, senón of equality. Xa that soon, it is un obxectivo estratéxico of Commitment by Galicia Galicia sexa recoñecida fully as a nación, and en consecuencia that the State español asuma fully the character of the plurinational, plurilingüe, and multiculturalism. Commitment Galicia traballará the sake of autodeterminación of our pobo, understood as the right of galician and galician to decidiren libremente the future of your country.

Cómpre that España vertebre as a State confederation plurinational, that is, a state asentado in recoñecemento of the uniqueness, sovereignty and the right to autogoberno of the different nacións that the conforman; un state artellado by formulas and federal confederais that van esixir the total and unrestricted autogoberno of Galicia and of the other nacións in atinxe to language, culture, entitled, taxation, xustiza and administración local. This will esixir formulas goberno con competencias shared, chord any useful bits to the principles of rationality and efficiency in the management society public. We are certain that, this xeito mellorará the living and the reciprocal coñecemento between the different able to make españois. Asemade, we understand that the réxime political many chord cos the basic principles of a democratic republic.

Face nail the new Europe

Galicia belongs to the culture, history, right and even polas wide structures of economic and social to Europe. Unión Europea, con all its thickets and serious eivas is the test more seriously to overcome the enfrontamentos, crear un market common living, impelling the cooperación en all ordes and lay the foundations for the political unity of Europe. Porén, vivimos nail conxuntura of euroescepticismo, because the political european non saben be to the height of the upright to the present. Europe construíuse of xeito bureaucratic and unbalanced, sen repair in obxectivos are common, the amount of presións partidistas, serving many interests of the great corporacións ca to citizenship, excelling the power of the Banco Central Europeo on the institucións europeas representative, promoting non both the espazos de colaboración and sinerxia between states such as those of the competence between these.

Commitment Galicia declárase decidedly european, pero fai nail valoración fondamente critical of the democratic deficit of the institucións europeas and the role that they are xogando. The citizenship europea ten moi escasas possibilities of participation real and exercise dun true control democratic about the main bodies of goberno da Unión Europea, in particular in the eido economic and financial. Commitment Galicia bet decidedly pola construción europea through the able to make that compoñen the vello continent and democracy, that must be the fin and the average of the Union.

Unión Europea need dun jump federal, of participation and of lexitimidade democratic, set to the servizo of able to make european the institucións are common, the Commission and the Parliament. Need dun President elixido polo voting citizenship europea, dunha single policy, for defence and dunha single diplomacy. Need dunha Facenda common living with many resources to develop its policies, coordinación of the tax policies of the States and Gobernos territorial and dun a genuine Banco Central Europeo suxeito to the control of the Institucións europeas, sen prexuízo of súa autonomy of the management society, which will guarantee the viability of the emisións of débeda of the States and of the Gobernos territorial. Europe needs to put en marcha fingernail policy common living and international seguranza, facendo assert their interests conxuntos and promoting its values are common: peace, democracy, rights, human, cooperación internacional, the defence of the environment, the development igualitario.

We believe nunha Unión Europea based in the comfortable common living citizenship. And we think that the States hanlle to yield to this Union thickets of wide information and skills. The more we think, any useful bits, that the able to make, the rexións and the nacións sen State community assuming a new role. Galicia ten that deixarse oír directly en Europe en defence of their interests, Galicia ten that participate in the definición of policy europea of the State español. We are european and we believe en many and mellor Europe. In the Europe of progreso and cohesión social, in Europe a democratic and federal able to make and cidadáns and cidadás.